Volocopter, the pioneer of sustainable urban air mobility (UAM), and Jet Systems Hélicoptères Services, a leading licensed ...
Open opportunity – This means that the contract is currently active, and the buying department is looking for potential ...
We’re proud to announce that our VX30 Stalker UAS has been selected by the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) as one of the first Group 2 UAS eligible for Blue List evaluation. The DIU Blue List ...
Elistair, a global leader in tethered unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for surveillance and reconnaissance, announced that it has been awarded a €3 million contract to supply small tethered UAS to an ...
Dedicated demonstration team to provide live, real-world presentations to defense and security organizations across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, targeting defense, homeland ...
Anduril Industries is a defense technology company with a mission to transform U.S. and allied military capabilities with advanced technology. By bringing the expertise, technology, and business ...