General Mark Dreyfus will attend the commemorations in Poland next week.“Penny Wong has real issues in relation to this issue. The relationship with Israel has been trashed,” Mr Dutton told reporters ...
The opposition leader said the government's stance on the Gaza war made the foreign minister "the most inappropriate person" to attend.
Sarah Schwartz, from the pro-Palestinian Jewish Council of Australia, shared a mocked-up superhero called 'Dutton's Jew' during a talk at a Queensland university.
The UN Human Rights Committee has twice called out Australia's treatment of refugees on Nauru. The government — and media — have ignored it.
A petition to prevent Foreign Minister Penny Wong from representing Australia at an event commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz has gained more than 9,000 signatures in less than 48 hours.
In an interview with SBS News, Australia's special envoy to combat Islamophobia, Aftab Malik, said Islamophobic incidents have increased by more than 600 per cent — but many are going unreported.
For any ceasefire to be meaningful, an enduring peace must be the objective. This is how Australia and its allies can help ...
The sudden expansion of Israeli security operations in the West Bank has killed at least 10 people and follows the start of the delicate ceasefire process in Gaza, by which Israeli hostages are ...
Yuval Raphael, 24, was chosen to compete at May’s contest in Basel, Switzerland, after she won the final of the Israeli talent show Rising Star, which took place this week in the Israeli village of ...
Australian detectives are investigating whether foreign actors are paying criminals to commit antisemitic attacks in the ...