This article highlights why Nepal’s National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP) Revision is taking too long and what is pulling it behind.
The current wave of anti-immigration campaign in Russia, as the research center Sova noticed, began back in the fall of 2021, ...
Los palestinos desplazados se apoyan en estrategias psicológicas, como redefinir la realidad, vínculos sociales y la fe para lidiar con el trauma de la guerra y el desplazamiento.
"The credibility of information that ensures a healthy civic space and democracy is a shared responsibility not only by ...
Unlike winter, the season of hope isn’t always the same. Winter is always cold, but hope never comes the same way twice. Sometimes, it comes from proceedings and sometimes from cryptic tweets, ...
"When men see the benefits of their wives’ participation, they become advocates, which helps build a supportive environment for women’s leadership." ...
Over centuries, the Golem evolved from folklore and mythology to influence Frankenstein, silent films, and superhero comics. Today it symbolizes the profound possibilities and ethical dilemmas ...
Este es el primer Año Nuevo desde que la UNESCO aprobó la solicitud de China para incluir las costumbres del Festival de la Primavera en su "Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de ...
UNESCO reports that 20 percent of attacks on journalists occur in digital spaces, but in Sub-Saharan Africa, the situation is worsening as governments expand digital surveillance and online harassment ...
Las manifestaciones eran pacíficas Inicialmente, pero degeneraron en enfrentamientos entre ciudadanos desarmados y las Fuerzas de Defensa y Seguridad.
Macedonia del Norte y Venezuela, dos países muy distantes, se conocieron por vez primera en la década 1990 gracias a una ...
Sadegh Adham shares how his childhood experiences during the Iran-Iraq war shaped his art, exploring themes of imperfection, ...