‘I have little more to say. I merely repeat, remember always your duty of enmity towards Man and all his ways. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Guy Debord's La Societe du Spectadl} was originally published in Paris by Editions Buchet-Chastel (1967) and was reissued by Editions Champ Libre (1971) and Editions Gallimard …
Sep 6, 2006 · The full text of Howard Zinn's superb people's history of the United States, spanning over 500 years from Columbus's "discovery" of America in 1492 to the Clinton presidency in …
10 A POETICS OF ANTICOLONIALISM already present in Discourse.3 On the other hand, literary critics tend to skip over Discourse or dismiss it as an anomaly born of Cesaire's eleven …
Sep 19, 2017 · In recent weeks the Democratic Republic of the Congo, formerly known as Zaire, and before that the Belgian Congo, has been in the news: A brutal civil war, an horrendous …
Introduction Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined when I first read Pedagogy of the Oppressed in 1971 that, a decade later, I would be engaged in a very close collaboration with …
CONTENTS CONTENTS Title: The Road to Wigan Pier Author: George Orwell It is a pleasure to acknowledge that the text of this eBook was provided, free of charge, by <a
MAPS page i Europe in 1789 309 2 Europe in 1810 310 3 Europe in 1840 311 4 World Population in Large Cities: 1800-1850 31a 5 Western Culture 1815-1848: Opera 314